Monday, December 27, 2010

Muddy's Bake Shop...UNDERGROUND EDITION. has been FOREVER.  I know.  But I have not forgotten you, blog.  In fact, I have been planning this entry for quite some time! it is!  Today, I'm posting about my awesome job at Muddy's Bake Shop (Underground) in Memphis, TN.  I've been working there for about four months now, so I finally feel like I'm settled enough to share with everyone!

Q:  What is "The Underground?"
A:  The Underground (UG) is a kitchen in Midtown Memphis devoted entirely to baking treats for Muddy's Bake Shop.  "Bake, ice, clean, repeat!"  We bake cupcakes, cookies, pies, toffee bars, etc...then clean up the mess.  We have an early crew that comes in somewhere from 5-6, then a later crew that works from 8-4.  Jess and I are the late crew!

Well, that's about it!  ...Ok, I'm kidding.  You all know I like to talk a little more than that.  I just thought that this would be a cool picture to start with.  This is a good view of the main work area.  About 4-5 people can work at these tables at a time...6 uncomfortably :)  Karen is joyfully accepting a papered tray from Janine while Leah is icing cupcakes in the background!  You see, we like to scoop cupcake batter as quickly as possible around here, and when you find a tray with LINERS ALREADY IN IT, you become full of joy!  Hence the photo.


Cupcake icing action going on here!  We ice lots and lots of those large trays every morning except Tuesdays.  The Sanderlin location takes care of baking/icing cupcakes on Tuesday.  Mostly, we bake cookies and breads and do prep work that day.

Mountain of icing!  I know what you're thinking..."You can't possibly use that much icing!"  Oh, yes...yes, we can.  Leftover icing is rare and sparse, and on Tuesdays, one person makes icing for an entire shift.  After that, one person must usually spend at least several hours a day making icing.


Our bun rack!  This is where we keep un-iced cupcakes, iced cupcakes, cookies, and pies so that they are readily available for transport.  "Transport, you say?!" Yes, our cupcakes can do many things, but alas, they cannot walk to Muddy's.  That's where Mark comes in!  Literally.  He comes in through the door and gets them.


Good ol' Mark!  Every day, he treks back and forth (...and back and forth) between Muddy's and the Underground carrying both baked treats and any supplies that either place may need.  Mark knows where to get EVERYTHING.  I don't think that any of us know most of his mysterious resources...and I have no idea how he runs errands and manages to make it back to the Underground before I knew that anyone had even called him.  Mark works in mysterious ways, they say.  Hahaha.  Anyway.  He is basically awesome and ends each trip to the Underground with a resounding, "WHATEVER!"

Here lie SOME of our supplies.  We go through so much flour and sugar...everything else, too.  But LOTS of flour and sugar.  Some of this we order, and some Mark just goes and gets at the store.

Sprinkles for our creations.  We love to try and come up with cute combinations of sprinkled cupcakes on trays with alternating color patterns, like Plain Jane (vanilla) and Prozac (chocolate).  Think of us working diligently on this next time you "oooh" and "aaah" over a pretty tray in the case at Muddy's...we were thinking of you! :)  Some of you notice, right?...RIGHT?!  OK, good!

We bake everything that we need to bake for the week in only TWO five-rack ovens.  Yeah!  That's right.

Look at all those delicious cupcakes!  The cooling racks are usually twice this full, though, which is why we usually have someone traying up cupcakes throughout the baking process.  More pics of that later!

Our famous "to-do" list!  Obviously, we had lots of pie stuff going on that day.  This list is usually updated several times a day, depending on how ninja-like we are that day.  As you can see, our list is very encouraging and sometimes includes smiley faces!

This is THE COUCH.  It's in our lobby and we sit on it during our lunch break.  It is also a popular "stuff" holder.  See all the magazines that Tammy and Amanda bring in for us to read?  That's my favorite part of lunch break!  Other than a Nan's Pimento Cheese sandwich.  Mmmmmmm.

Here is Janine traying up some cupcakes.  You can see how many pans of cupcakes are on those racks, right?  That means Janine is going to be traying up for a while!  Some mornings, we have so much baking going on that someone could stand in that spot for several hours just taking stuff out of the ovens, putting stuff in the ovens, and properly organizing all the delicious treats. you want to meet some of the staff?  Yes, you do?  Well, fabulous!

This is Amanda!  She's the manager of the Underground, so I tried to catch her while she was doing important manager stuff, like ordering our supplies!  Amanda always makes sure that we have everything we need and keeps us organized and in line.  She also makes sure that everything is "Muddy's" quality.  She is originally from and has a business degree from farther up north, but now she lives here and hangs out with us.  Oh, and her husband, too...and they are expecting a BABY BOY in February!  We are all very excited for the first Underground baby :)  Also, Amanda and I love to talk about new movies that are coming out or what restaurant we ate at the previous night.  Haha.  Oh, and Amanda loves raw pie dough.  Mmmmm.

Next up is Tammy!  She is assistant manager over here at UG.  Right now, she is probably mixing up cookie dough or a very tiny batch of icing :)  Tammy is a go-getter and is always looking for a better way to do things.  She is also our resident pie queen/expert and we ask her any pie question we have.  She is also our resident handy-woman, as well!  She genuinely loves baking, and it really shows in the quality of her work.  She loves to go to plays, volunteer at her church with her husband, and come to work and bake with us!  She is also a big fan of coconut, so she loves when we feature our fabulous Oodelolly cupcake.

This is Jess!  We work the later shift (8-4) together every work day.  Jess has worked at Muddy's for a couple of years now, so she knows a lot about pretty much EVERYTHING.  She really helped with a lot of my training and is very patient and knowledgable!  She is our icing expert at the Underground and has pretty much developed our singular method for efficient icing-making.  However, although she is great at making icing, she really loves pie and Hello Dolly bars.  She has a degree in political science and is very passionate about the environment and women's issues.  Jess is also getting married next year and will be moving off to Nashville, and I honestly do not know what I/we will do without her!

Hi, Karen!  Obviously, this is Karen, our tiny ninja.  She works the early shift and, like Jess, is an icing expert.  She can always tell exactly how much icing we need at the moment or will need tomorrow while the rest of us just stand around looking perplexed.  Ok, so we're not THAT bad at it, but Karen's definitely the best!  She is also great at improving efficiency and always knows what needs to be done.  Karen is also a great artist/painter and even makes and decorates cakes outside of work!  I love to talk to Karen about movies, animals, or her crazy dreams.  We share a favorite cupcakes, as well: THE GRASSHOPPER.

Also, here is Karen dipping our lovely gluten-free coconut macaroons into chocolate.

Here is Janine!  She's doing a round of dishes, which is a common occurrence over here at UG.  Janine works the early shift and is usually found baking or icing the morning's first batch of cupcakes.  She also has a master's degree in cool is that?  She is very interested in literature and always has interesting facts to tell us about all sorts of random things, from natural health practices to filmmaking!  Janine is also great at noticing small taste differences in our products and enjoys our Eggnog cupcake.'s Leah!  Leah and Janine are our newest UG employees.  Leah is super nice and is our resident fashionista...she makes clothes, y'all!  That's actually what she went to school for.  Notice her cute apron?  Leah has a lovely icing technique and makes our cupcakes look Muddy's cute.  Whatever she's doing, she works hard and gets the job done quickly.  Also, Leah has recently taken up an interest in cooking and we are more than happy to taste-test!  I'm PRETTY sure her favorite cupcake is the Tomboy, which is our chocolate cupcake with peanut butter icing.  YUM.

Who is this, you say?  That's ME: Robyn!  I've been working at UG a little longer than Leah and Janine, but less than the rest of the staff.  In this picture, I'm about to make icing, so I'm hanging out with the Bruiser, which is our HUGE icing mixer (although I successfully made 3 batches of chocolate chip cookies with it recently!)  My favorite thing to do at work is to make something I've never made before, whether it be a new type of icing or a certain type or pie or cookie.  I especially love to ice cupcakes and make anything involving pie or quick bread.  My favorite cupcake is the Grasshopper and I LOVE our Walk in the Woods pie (apple pie with dried cranberries and a crumbly/streusely topping).  I am not sure what I am known for at UG (besides being the resident chatterbox...hehe) like the rest of the fine folks I work with, but I do know that I love my job and the people at UG and Muddy's.

Well, there you have it.  I hope that gives you a small (or large) and enjoyable glimpse into what I do for a living.  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed telling you about it! :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Change: the only thing in life that is permanent."

So, since my last post...I got a new job!  Yeah, already.

What is this new job, you say?  Oh, it's only one of my dream jobs...a baker for a very popular bakery in Memphis (Muddy's Bake Shop)!  I actually work at the Underground, which is a kitchen that Muddy's owns, so I don't work at the actual bakery.  I've been working there almost three weeks (including a week of training), and I am so happy there.

Some of the things I do: measure ingredients to make cupcakes, combine cupcake ingredients into cupcake batter, scoop cupcake batter into pans, bake cupcakes, tray cupcakes, wrap cupcakes, ice cupcakes, cover cupcakes with sprinkles...are you sick of hearing about cupcakes? :)  I also make pie dough, roll out pie dough, mix up pie fillings, bake pies, wash lots of dishes, clean flour-covered counters, and mix up and bake awesome treats, such as Rice Krispie treats, brownies, toffee bars, quick breads, and cookies.

Some things I love about it:  1) I get to be behind the scenes instead of out in the middle of the action for once. 2) My coworkers are all incredibly nice and interesting.  3) I make the same amount of money every hour, no matter what! 4)  I love to bake, and I love the feeling of having a batch of bread, cupcakes, cookies, etc. turn out exactly right, even if that doesn't always happen.  5)  I am learning so much about baking that I never knew...this will help me as a home baker and perhaps as a bakery owner one day!

I get up quite early for this job every Tuesday through Saturday (especially Saturday...5:30), I am covered with flour and cocoa powder when I leave, my hands ache from icing around 1000 cupcakes, and nothing sounds better than a long nap around 3 when I get off every day...but I LOVE IT.  I really do.  I do fun work with people I like for a company that I respect.

I am so lucky to have this job and I try not to take it for granted.  If you want to know more about it, visit the Muddy's website.  I would love for anyone in Memphis to visit, support a local business, and tell me what your favorite treat was!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sometimes I'm too lazy for paragraphs and cohesion.

1.  I just went back to work today after having three days off with Phillip.  I'm tired.
2.  Phillip and I went to P.F. Chang's.  We ordered crab wontons as an appetizer and I am still thinking about their crispy goodness and their heavenly plum sauce.
3.  We went to the movies and watched "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World."  I thought it was lovely and strange and exhilarating.
4.  I registered for fall classes today.  I'm taking Anatomy and Physiology I online and Human Growth and Development on MW nights.  Classes start in ten days.  I am excited and obviously a nerd.
5.  I have my last interview for one of my dream jobs tomorrow.
6.  I really wish I could go to the first MSU home game this year.  I mean, we're playing MEMPHIS!  Not sure that would work out, though.  If I get this new job, I would have to work Saturday mornings.
7.  My dog only wants MY blanket.  He has his very own blanket and his very own couch, but he only wants MY blanket on MY couch.  I just wanted you to know this.
8.  I love Gibson's Donuts.  If you ever try their cinnamon sugar cake doughnuts, you will consider your life well-lived.
9.  I may or may not feel too strongly about doughnuts.
10.  I had to add this sentence because I didn't want to add only nine random thoughts.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

So much has been done...and yet there is still so much left to do.  I am trying to resurrect some of my dreams over the years that may have been engulfed by the consuming tide of adulthood and bills and worries and stress.

Don't get me wrong...I am not running from life.  I embrace it.  I enjoy being responsible for my livelihood...I get a sense of accomplishment from paying my bills and being self-sufficient and giving my hard-working parents a well-deserved break.  I would just like a few more things to enrich my life.  Wouldn't we all?

I would like to be able to travel more.  It has been so long since I felt warm ocean waves around my ankles and wet sand under my feet...smelled salty air.  I would even brave my silly fear of sharks to feel the ocean around me again.  I want to see the sun set in another country with someone I love.  I want to open my mind and see the world through others' eyes, as well as my own.

I would love to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and satisfy my geeky, 12-year-old heart.  Of course, I would reread all 7 books again before going.

I would like to have enough money to actually make all of the interesting baking projects in my cookbooks and on the favorites bar of my Internet browser.  I would also like to be able to take pristine and unique photographs of all my creations and, of course, share them with readers.

One of my oldest dreams...I would still like to write a novel or a book of poetry.  However, sometimes I am frightened that I won't learn enough interesting things in life to write a good book.

I have almost no musical ability, but I would still like to be able to at least adequately play guitar and the piano...and maybe learn to sing, because the good Lord knows I can't right now.  And I love to dance.

I just want to do it all...I have never been able to limit my interests.  I have just been collecting and layering them since I was younger and I can't let them go.  I want to plan weddings, act in movies or plays, own a bakery, own a gift shop, volunteer internationally, be a psychologist, be a doctor, be a chef...things that are impossible to reconcile with each other.

Maybe it isn't as impossible as it seems.

Maybe I just have to take life one day at a time.  Slowly, I will just keep doing things that I want to do, and maybe those little things will build some pretty cool accomplishments. 

I do have some big dreams, but I'm realistic, too.  I also have some dreams that are a little closer to home...but no less satisfying.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Home sweet Memphis.

Right now, I'm sitting on my couch eating marshmallow fudge cookies and watching Sex and the City reruns...and I'm happy.

I am happy because my apartment is put together, clean, and equipped with all the necessities.  I would still like some more things for it to make it a little more "me"...but I will get all that eventually.

I am happy because I am getting back on track financially...something I could have never done without the support of my parents.  Moving is expensive, y'all...even more so than I thought.  But I'm finally making some money at work and getting all of my bills paid.  Hopefully I'll be able to start saving a little...get some debt squared away...thanks, Dave Ramsey!

I am happy to have a job.  I may not always love it...but I'm able to survive because of it.  I also enjoying working in general and I enjoy new challenges.  However, I really, really, REALLY hope I'm able to go back to school next year.  I would like to be able to have a job that adequately funds the more enjoyable aspects of vacations!  And a yard big enough for a garden.

I am happy to have the wonderful people in my life.  I love my family and friends so much, even if I can't speak to them or see them as much as I would like to, especially since moving to Memphis.  I have an amazing boyfriend who I have been able to see almost every week since moving.  Pretty lucky, I would say.

My life isn't always easy, but I am figuring out that my life is a good one and that I am blessed. I just needed to open my eyes.

About to completely change the subject with some really boring news here...but I just want everyone to know that I went grocery shopping at ALDI the other day and I loved it!  I didn't really know what to expect so I read up on it before I went.  Good thing I did!  You have to pay a quarter to get a shopping cart and then you get the quarter back when you return it.  Apparently it saves money because they don't have to pay anyone to get shopping carts from the parking lot.  They also have only one brand of everything so you don't have to stand there comparing prices.  Finally, you either bring grocery bags from home or you buy bags from them.  All in all, I thought the prices were great and the items were actually of pretty good quality.

The experience did make me feel a little old, though.  Not any older than devoting a portion of my blog entry to a grocery shopping experience, but nonetheless...I started to think, "Maybe I'll ask my mom for some cloth grocery bags for Christmas!"  And then I realized..."Seriously?  Grocery bags for CHRISTMAS?  You're getting old, Robyn.  And possibly nerdier every day."  Upon retelling these thoughts to my boyfriend, he confirmed that this not only makes me old and kind of a dork, but also a hippie.  So, I suppose I was right.

I am now ready to post some pictures of my apartment!  Here goes.

A pretty picture in my bathroom.

Looks a little sparse, but more decorations will come!

Some gold sink decorations.

Another picture in my bathroom.

I need a pretty towel to go right here.

I found this wall hanging at a thrift store in Starkville for fifty cents.

My little dining room.  I love having a dining table!

My placemats and napkins.

Little kitchen!

Sink area.  Thanks for always making sure my sink is shiny, Flylady!  My friend Megan got me started on the Flylady system and it really is effective.

The bar area.

Apollo is modeling his husky physique between the two couches.

I love lamp.

New TV stand!  Also, Apollo's relaxation area.

Patio area.  I would like to get another flowering plant for that empty pot.  Love my patio set, though!

I don't have any pictures of my bedroom yet because I still have to figure out where to put a few things.  I'm proud of how things are going so far, though.  Now I hope to do some more creative things with my place now that I have most of the basics covered.

If anyone has any decorating ideas that don't involved painting my walls, I would love to hear them!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

My new new life.

Well, I have finally somewhat settled into life here in Memphis, Tennessee! Do I love it? Yes...yes, I do. However, as much as I enjoy it, there are still some things I'm getting used to, some things I still want to do but can't, and some people that I miss back in both my "hometowns": Grenada and Starkville...good ol' Mississippi.

I am so lucky to have found the small, adorable apartment that I now live in. It has a tiny patio, a nice-sized living room, a cute but TINY kitchen, a dining area, one bedroom, and one bathroom. When I first moved in, I was missing several important (to me) items: a microwave, a living room TV, a TV stand, bookshelves, a shower curtain, decorations in general, etc. These things are not essential and I don't take them for granted, but I love being at home and I really wanted my first solo apartment to be a place that felt like home...and thanks to the enormous generosity of my parents and a couple of special people, I now have those things. However, I'm a little bit of a perfectionist, so I want to wait until I'm very satisfied with my apartment to post pictures. I hope that it won't be too long from now before I am able to :)

One adventure that I took this morning was purchasing a washer and dryer...I have lived in Memphis for a month now, and it has been HELLISH without a washer and dryer, to say the least. I have either washed my clothes at my mom's house in Grenada or my boyfriend's house in Starkville, or I have braved the completely NON air-conditioned laundromat at my apartment complex while NEVER having the right amount of quarters and ALWAYS picking the defective machines. Blegh! But this morning, my mom and I went to Home Depot and I finally made the big-girl appliance purchase. Now, I get to pay that, as well as pay my big-girl car insurance (which is more expensive in Memphis than in Mississippi), my big-girl electric bill, etc. I know, I sounds like I'm bitter about growing up. But I'm really not...even though it has been difficult, I count my blessings every day and am so thankful that I have gotten where I feel that I need to be. Yes, career-wise, I still feel that I have not achieved what I wanted for myself. But I'm taking steps every day to better that situation...and while I do that, I always have the lovely people in my life by my side. I've also gained a little confidence and happiness just from making the was a big step and it was HARD, but I did it!

Some things I love about Memphis so far: Fresh Market, Thai Bistro, 107.1, having a Walgreen's and a gas station less than 1/4 mile from my house, always having new places to eat lunch with friends, always being able to find what you're looking for, the interesting new things I learn from my hilarious co-workers (most of whom are Memphis locals), having TWO cupcake shops to frequent (Gigi's and Muddy's Bake Shop), and just the fun of exploring a new place in general. I love to just turn on my GPS and find some random place. I modern we have become!

Here are pictures of some things I've been up to lately...

 At an engagement party for two of my dearest friends. Yes, I notice that we are all looking in different directions in this picture, but I still love it! The five of us have been friends for quite some time, and I miss all of them very much...except for my friend in the striped dress, since she lives here in Memphis :) And as for my friend in the red dress: we both lived in Starkville for five years, two as roommates...and it is very strange to live in a city without her around. Sigh. I miss you all!

This is a meal that I made for my seafood-loving boyfriend the first time he came to visit me in Memphis: shrimp risotto and blueberry boy bait. He seemed to enjoy it, which I was happy about, having never cooked seafood...after all, he IS the guy who took me to Red Lobster and proceeded to put away an entire Ultimate Feast faster than I could finish my girly crab-buttered shrimp dish, which he then helped me finish.

One of my favorite pictures of us. We're doing the long-distance thing for now, and I miss him all the time.

These two beautiful hot pink vehicles were in my parking lot parked about 20 feet from each other. Amazing! Memphis works in mysterious ways...

Some whoopie pies that Bakerella made. These were fabulous! I cannot wait to buy the book ("Whoopie Pies"...simple enough!) containing the recipe for these. I'm now obsessed with making them with different flavors and fillings!

Some bowtie lasagna that I made upon Pioneer Woman's suggestion, of course. I substituted small-curd cottage cheese for the sour cream in the recipe, and I really enjoyed it. It took less than 20 minutes to prepare, and it was a really quick and authentic-tasting alternative to traditional lasagna.

Makes me miss him all over again. Ah. However, this picture was also inspiration for me to touch up my growing roots and restore my hair to an all-over red again! Haha. We took this picture before we went to see "Inception." We both really liked the movie, but while discussing it I commented that I thought "Shutter Island" was better. He had never seen it, so we rented it, and then we both agreed that "Shutter Island" was the unanimous favorite. I originally thought of it because I thought there were some striking similarities between Leonardo DiCaprio's characters in both movies...anyone else agree?

My mom and I last night before we went out to eat at the restaurant I work at! We have had an awesome weekend, and she's asleep right now while I blog, of course.

I suppose I should get a little sleep, too. I have a long day tomorrow...time with Mom, work, packing for the next day's trip to Starkville, and catching up on my current read: "Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman.

Captivating so far. This is actually the first Neil Gaiman book I've ever read...and I own three of this books. It's ridiculous how many books I own that I have yet to read! But here's to catching up.

Also, here's to figuring it all out. Patience and happiness, y'all! That's what I'm hoping to gain a little at a time.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Celebrate life.

On June 1st, my wonderful grandfather ("Papaw") turned 82.  Fortunately, by a lucky coincidence, I was off work that day, so I was able to go to my hometown and cook a meal for him, my grandmother, my mom, and my stepdad.  I did the cooking and preparing during the day, and my mom came home and handled the grill after she got off work.

It turned out to be a day I will always cherish.  My grandparents knew that I had taken an interest in cooking in the past few years, but I had never cooked a meal exclusively for them.  My grandmother ("Mamaw") told me that she never thought I would turn out to be interested in cooking and gardening like she is and that she was happy to be able to share those things with me.  Hearing that from her made me so happy.  And she was right:  I never thought I would be interested in cooking, either.  I have enjoyed baking since I was a little girl, but I have only recently enjoyed cooking new things and trying new foods in the past few years.  This is mostly thanks to my mom and I discovering The Food Network a couple of years ago and to the adventurous palates of my friends, who have always pushed me to try sushi, food containing NUTS, scary new vegetables, and other things I once proclaimed eternal hatred for but now enjoy.

I am so glad I was able to come home and do something I love to do for people that I love.  I know that some may wonder what the big deal is, but because I'm a working girl who is usually at the restaurant most nights and weekends, I rarely get a lot of quality time with my family.  When I am able to get it, I try my best never to take it for granted.  It makes life even more sweet.

These are my maternal grandparents.  Both are some of the most wonderful people I have ever met.  They both have a kind heart, a great sense of humor, and are never quick to judge.


Homemade salsa!  Recipe courtesy of Pioneer Woman, of course.  Thanks to the jalapeno included in the recipe, it was perfect for Papaw.  He loves spicy food!  So do I.

On the menu:  Pioneer Woman's potatoes au gratin, grilled chicken, burgers, grilled corn, and caramelized onion crostinis.


These are Creamy Grilled Onion Crostinis from Rachael Ray's summer grilling issue.  I love onions, so this was something I made pretty much for my own enjoyment.  I was glad that my grandparents and mother tried them and enjoyed them, though!

Burgers and corn!  I made the burgers a different way than I usually do:  A1, crushed saltines, heavy cream, onion powder, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning mixed into ground sirloin.  Before the corn was grilled, I covered it in butter seasoned with paprika, salt, chili powder, and pepper.

I marinated the chicken in white wine, fresh garlic, Italian dressing mix, and olive oil before grilling.  It was good, but it needed more salt.  I would definitely use the marinade again, though.

Finally...I made a cake that I didn't even take a picture of.  I know...major blogging fail!  It was an angel food cake with tropical fruit compote, and making it was a very...interesting experience.  I had never worked with tropical fruit before, and I had to laugh at myself as I tried to cut a pineapple and peel and cut mangoes, papayas, and kiwis for the first time.  I was surprised that I liked the cake since I'm usually not a fan of tropical flavors.  Guess I'm changing my stance on that one!

In other news, I have changed my hair color!  I dyed it a shade called "Light Intense Auburn," and I'm quite happy with it.  I've had bad experiences with red hair dye before (think "burgundy" or "tangerine," perhaps), but this came out how I had hoped.

I am considering maintaining my redhead status. :)

I have some big news, also...but first!  Look at my basil.

I'm happy that it's growing, but the big leaves look like they might be blocking sunlight from some of the little seedlings under it.  When is a good time to replant?  Any advice would be appreciated!

But now, for the big news:  I'M MOVING TO MEMPHIS, TN!  I start my new job June 21st.  When is my last day at my current job, you ask?  June 20th.  Yep.  I have applied for an apartment and if I get it, I can start moving my stuff in on June 15th.  And here I am, writing a blog entry when I may be moving in 7 days.  Priorities, people!  That's what I'm about.

I'm unfamiliar with the rules about blogging about jobs, so I will just say this:  I have secured employment as a server at a popular fondue restaurant!  I love visiting this restaurant, and I'm excited about the challenge of working in a more upscale restaurant than I'm used to.

Life is changing rapidly for me, but here's hoping that it's all for the best!